Temporary Event Planning
The University of Michigan (U-M) hosts and sponsors many events for its faculty, students, and members in the surrounding communities. Although the events are temporary, it does not change U-M’s goal of safety first on our campus. In order to help ensure safety of all participants Environment, Health & Safety (EHS) will evaluate and assist with both Fire Safety and Food Safety matters at these events.
Fire Safety at Temporary Events
EHS, Fire Safety Services (FSS) shall ensure that the following fire prevention, evacuation, and extinguishing system protocols are in place prior to approving a temporary event.
- Fire Prevention
- Electrical Safety
- Food Service Areas
- Membrane Structures
- Portable Generators
- Flammable and combustible liquids properly stored
- Fire Evacuation
- Means of Egress
- Fire Alarm System
- Fire Extinguishing Systems
- Fire Extinguishers
- Fire Department Access
The Special Events and Temporary Structures Fire Inspection Checklist explains briefly what is needed for the event to pass inspection. For more information, contact FSS at EHSFireSafety@umich.edu.
Food Safety at Temporary Events
Temporary events often include catered staff luncheons, student fundraisers, and outdoor special events held on the U-M campus. Temporary events that involve preparation, cooking, or handling food by a caterer, student organization, or other U-M affiliated groups may require a temporary food service license. When planning events that will need a temporary food service license, the hosting organization shall obtain permission or schedule the event with the appropriate representative before contacting EHS to obtain the temporary food service license. For more information, contact EHS at EHSFoodSafety@umich.edu.
Standard Operating Procedures, Guidelines, and Manuals
- Use of Solid Alcohol Fuel Gel (a.k.a. Sterno)
- Outdoor Cooking Guidelines
- Temporary Handwashing Station
- Guideline for Use of University Grounds
- Food Truck Guideline
Supplemental Information
- State of Michigan
Contact EHS at EHSFoodSafety@umich.edu to schedule a training session on current food safety and sanitation procedures.
Prior to obtaining a temporary food service license, all outdoor events and sales of any kind on U-M grounds shall have prior approval from the Associate Vice President for Facilities and Operations (AVPFO). For more information, email fo-events@umich.edu or call (734) 615-9075.
Events planned in the following outdoor areas shall be pre-scheduled, as noted below prior to requesting AVPFO permission:
Central Campus Diag & North Campus Gerstacker Grove | Central Campus Diag/North Campus Gerstacker Grove Policies & Procedures |
Recreational Sports Facilities (Elbel Field, Palmer Field, etc.) | Recreational Sports Office – Rentals and Reservations |
Indoor events require permission from the building manager, director, dean, department head, or designated representative.
To receive a temporary food service license for an indoor or outdoor temporary event where potentially hazardous food will be served to the public, refer to the following steps:
- Seven days before the event, notify EHS at EHSFoodSafety@umich.edu with the following information:
- Complete the Temporary Food Service License Application.
- Email the Application to EHSFoodSafety@umich.edu.
An EHS representative will issue a temporary food service license, if all appropriate conditions are met, for the event before food sales are open to the public.
EHS has implemented a process for approving food trucks/carts/trailers to operate at U-M events. In order to be approved for operation on University property, please adhere to the following process.
Step 1: All outdoor events and sales of any kind on U-M grounds shall have prior approval from the property owner and AVPFO Outdoor Events. The link for more information on how to request approval for an outdoor event is here.
All outdoor events and sales of any kind on the Central Campus Diag/North Campus Gerstacker Grove shall have prior approval from the Center for Campus Involvement (CCI). The link for more information on how to request approval for an outdoor event is here.
Step 2: Food trucks that want to come to any University of Michigan property in Ann Arbor will first need to fill out and submit the Food Truck Safety Application. For more information review the Food Truck Application Letter.
Step 3: After submitting the Food Truck Safety Application Form, a representative from the EHS Fire Safety team will reach out to the food truck operator in order to schedule an inspection of the food truck that is to be used on University of Michigan property. If approved, a compliance sticker will be issued to the vehicle.
For the list of operators that have already completed Steps 1 & 2, please see the following link: Food Truck Tracker.
Step 4: After approval from the Fire Safety team, the STFU or MFE licensed food truck operator will need to fill out and submit the Notification of Intent to Operate at least 7 days prior to the event for each and every event that they are planning to operate on campus. During the time of the event, EHS reserves the right to inspect the operating food trucks at their discretion.