
Integrated Pest Management (IPM), the methodology used in all University of Michigan (U-M) buildings, is an ecological approach to pest management. All available techniques are used to reduce pest populations to acceptable levels while minimizing the potential impact of pesticides on people and the environment. Pests are defined as any unwanted insect, rodent, nematode, fungus, weed, or other animal, plant, or microorganism.
Building occupants can help manage pest problems by reporting pest sightings, unsanitary and maintenance issues, and identifying and correcting habits that may contribute to a pest problem. Examples include:
- Open windows only if there is a screen to keep pests out.
- Do not prop open outside doors.
- Rinse food and beverage containers before recycling.
- Store snacks and other food in pest-proof containers.
- Discard food remnants in appropriate waste container.
- Discard old bird seed and other stored grain products.
- Minimize clutter such as used paper bags and corrugated cardboard in your workspace.Do not place animal feeders, including bird feeders, near buildings. .
If you encounter a pest problem, report the sighting to the Facilities Service Center at (734) 647-2059.
Standard Operating Procedures, Guidelines, and Manuals