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Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

Workplace hazards should be mitigated by engineering controls, work practices controls, administrative controls, or a combination of all three, if at all possible.  Personal protective equipment (PPE) may be used in conjunction with these controls, if needed, but PPE should not be the primary means to control a hazard.  PPE includes all clothing and accessories designed to protect against safety and health hazards.  It must be provided if there is a potential for your staff to:

  • Encounter hazards to the eyes, face, head, feet, or hands
  • Conduct work involving electrical or fall hazards
  • Enter into an active construction area

Faculty, staff, and students are responsible for wearing PPE to protect themselves from injury in the workplace.  However, the lab director (faculty/lab manager/supervisor) is responsible for ensuring the proper safety equipment is available in your work area and making sure everyone understands how to properly use it.

NOTE:  EHS administers programs for prescription safety eye-wear and respiratory protection for the U-M community

  • Eye and Face Protection
  • Head Protection
  • Foot Protection
  • Hand Protection (Gloves)
  • Skin Protection (other than hands)

Proper Use for N95 Masks