Visitors & Volunteers

Visitors and volunteers are welcomed in University of Michigan (U-M) Research and Academic areas that may contain hazardous materials and/or equipment; however, given the inherent nature of the work being conducted, there is always a potential risk for injury and additional liability for U-M.  The lab/shop/studio director (faculty/lab manager/supervisor/responsible person) is responsible for ensuring visitors and volunteers receive a briefing on potential risks, what to do in emergencies, and how to use personal protective equipment (PPE) when they enter the workspace.  All visitors and volunteers must be provided with proper PPE and follow all of the normal policies for safety in a laboratory setting.

NOTE: If the visitor or volunteer is a minor, go to Minors in Research and Academic Areas for the appropriate policies and procedures. However, minors not taking part in a university-approved visit or volunteer role are not permitted within research or academic settings for any reason. Among other things, this prohibition applies to instances when an employee’s office is inside a laboratory/shop/studio space.

In addition to ensuring proper supervision of visitors and volunteers, lab/shop/studio directors are responsible for ensuring visitors and volunteers adhere to the EHS Visitors and Volunteers in Research and Academic Areas that Contain Hazardous Materials and/or Equipment Policy.

Types of Visits

Lab/shop/studio directors must obtain written approval from their department to allow the visitor or volunteer to participate in the following types of visits:

  • Observation Only:  The visitor or volunteer will not be conducting any laboratory work using hazardous substances or equipment.
  • Performing Laboratory Research Activities (non-minors) Using Hazardous Substances or Equipment.
    Visitors and volunteers participating in laboratory activities using hazardous substances or equipment must go through the same training as regular employees working in the lab/shop/studio. 
  1. Seek approval from their department head.
  2. Upon approval and prior to the start of work in the research and academic facility, all individuals must complete the attached U-M Research and Academic Areas Use Assumption Risk and Release of Liability for Volunteers and Visitors.

Facilities hosting visitors and volunteers to participate in lab/shop/studio activities are responsible for maintaining appropriate records as outlined in the Visitors and Volunteers in Research and Academic Areas that Contain Hazardous Materials and/or Equipment Policy.

Emergency Medical Procedures

Unlike regular personnel, in the event of a medical emergency, visitors and volunteers should be referred to their own physician or nearest emergency center depending on the nature of their issue.

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