Minors in Research and Academic Areas

Minors in Research and Academic Areas

To ensure minors are protected at the University of Michigan (U-M) while participating in research and academic activities, departments hosting minors must take an active role in ensuring all policies, including departmental policies, are followed.  The process includes reviewing the risks of the materials and equipment minors will be using and designating a responsible person to supervise minors performing research.

NOTE:  Minors not taking part in a university-approved visit or volunteer role are not permitted within lab/shop/studio settings.  This includes instances when an employee office is inside a lab/shop/studio space. Minors may not pass through the lab/shop/studio space.

Policies Regarding Minors Participating in Research and Academic Activities

To prepare for minors to participate in lab/shop/studio activities, lab/shop/studio directors must obtain authorization from Environment, Health & Safety (EHS).  The Minors in Research and Academic Areas Operations Policy explains the restrictions and requirements for minors participating in activities and provides information about the authorization process with EHS.

In addition to obtaining EHS authorization, laboratory/shop/studio directors must visit the Children on Campus Website for information about hosting minors on campus.  This website provides additional requirements to ensure the programs and activities under the direction and authority of U-M, as well as faculty, staff, and sponsored student organizations, are compliant with SPG 601.34 – Policy on Minors Involved in University-Children on Campus.

Level of Participation and Required Forms

Minors may be involved in activities as observers or active participants.  The level of participation determines what policies are necessary to follow in addition to obtaining department approval to allow minors into the research and academic area, and, if specified, perform research and academic activities.

  • Observation Only: Minors will not be conducting any lab/shop/studio activities. However, the supervisor must provide basic training on potential hazards a minor may encounter, emergency actions to take, and required PPE before they are allowed into the lab/shop/studio. EHS approval is not required and no documents need to be submitted.
  • Performing Research Activities: Laboratory/Shop/Studio Directors (faculty/lab managers/supervisors) must complete and submit the Work Activity Form for Minors Performing Research and Academic Activities to EHS

Obtaining EHS Authorization

The following document must be completed and sent to EHS before minors participate in research and academic activities.

Send this form to EHS using one of the following methods:


When EHS receives the Work Activity form, EHS staff will review it and complete the following steps:

  1. EHS will send the Informed Consent and Authorization to the Minor and their Parent/Guardian for digital signatures via SignNow.
  2. EHS will send an Approval document to the laboratory (PI)/shop/studio director and Responsible Person for digital signatures via SignNow.
  3. Final approval is provided in the form of an email to all parties involved and will include signed documents, the Work Activity Form, and the Youth Employment Standard Poster.


Emergency Procedures

All near misses, injuries, accidents and illnesses involving a minor in your lab/shop/studio, whether participating or just observing, must be reported.  Appropriate medical treatment may be necessary.  Determine what must be done for each minor and ensure all responsible persons are aware of the procedures.

  • For minors who are being paid to work at U-M, complete the Illness or Injury Report Form and submit to Work Connections.  If medical treatment is required, follow same procedures as for regular U-M employees.
  • For minors visiting or volunteering, refer them to their personal physician or the nearest emergency center depending on the nature of their issue.
  • For all incidents – Complete the Incident and Near Miss Report Form.

For more information, contact Research Health and Safety at (734) 647-1143 or minorsinresearch@umich.edu

Supplemental Information

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