Field Research

Field Research

Working in field environments is a vital part of research and education at the University of Michigan.  The dynamic nature of field settings requires that field researchers appropriately plan for potential hazards and emergencies.  Working in the field, whether local or international, can present risks to the individuals involved; both from the nature of the location or from the type of activity being performed.

The University Standard Practice Guide #601.31 applies to faculty, staff, and all students traveling outside of the United States for University-related purposes. Global Michigan has developed planning guidance for travelers Safety Considerations for Independent Study & Field Research Abroad

Incidents that happen in the field should be reported the same as if they happened on campus. More information on reporting incidents can be found at the Reporting Incident page. 


The key to a safe field research project starts with planning.  Assessment of hazards that may be encountered, identification of strategies for dealing with those hazards and appropriate planning in the event of any emergencies will help ensure your project will be successful.

  • Field Hazard Identification Form – Use this form to identify potential hazards in the field and measures to control them.  This information on hazards and required safety measures should be communicated to all field researchers prior to travel.
  • Emergency Response Plan – Use this form to identify resources needed for an effective response in the event that an emergency should arise.  This information should be communicated to all field researchers prior to travel.
  • Pre-Trip Orientation Checklist – This form is useful for overall planning efforts and should establish realistic expectations and a smooth transition to the field environment.


All field researchers must be trained on the hazards and required controls associated with their work activities and field environment by the principal investigator.  All training should be documented.

We recommend that all field researchers attend a basic CPR/First Aid training.  We highly recommend researchers who are going to be traveling to areas greater than one hour from medical care also have Wilderness First Aid training.  These training opportunities are provided by these vendors:

Refer to U-M Scientific Diving for information regarding authorization and training requirements for any projects involving diving.

Incidents and Reporting

Review information about managing and reporting incidents on our Injury, Illness and Incident Reporting page.

Information on Specific Hazards

Health Environmental Hazard Activity Hazard
Tularemia (rabbits) Wildfires  
Hepatitis A Snowstorms and Extreme Cold Foodborne Illnesses and Germs
Viral Hemorrhagic fevers Extreme Heat Blood and Body Fluid Exposure
Mosquito-borne Malaria Landslides/Mudslides Trenching and excavation safety
Tick-borne encephalitis High Elevation Hiking Safety
Valley Fever-Fungal Avalanches Lone Worker
Mouse-borne Hantavirus Severe Weather Responsible Caving
Tetanus UV Radiation Working near water
Animal-borne Rabies Beach Safety Technical Climbing
Tick-borne Lyme Disease   Boating rules/regulations
Tick-borne Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever   Machine Safeguarding
Mosquito-borne West Nile Virus   Tractor Safety
Mammalian bacteria-borne Leptospirosis   General Information for Activity Hazards
Mosquito-borne Zika   Driving Safety Information
Flea-borne Plague   Use of Chemicals – U-M  CHP
Soil-borne Histoplasmosis   Trespassing/Illegal Marijuana Grow Operations
Waterborne Illness Summary   Personal Security
Foodborne Illnesses and Germs   Animal Handling in the field-disease control
Blood and Body Fluid Exposure   Large Predators
Current Infectious Disease Outbreak In US   Insects and Scorpions
    Poisonous Plants

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