Local Exhaust Ventilation

Local Exhaust Ventilation
Call EHS at (734) 647-1143

Local exhaust ventilation (LEV) equipment is a variety of configurations for local exhaust or capture of point source emissions, providing personnel protection and/or smoke, odor, dust or heat control. LEVs includes snorkels, canopies, paint booths, gas cabinets, laser cutters, etc. 

EHS provides inspections of safety features and a cyclic certification of capture velocities as determined by an industrial hygiene risk assessment. EHS also tags faulty hoods as “out of service” while awaiting maintenance by either the owner, or Facilities & Operations. .

An LEV Hood certification sticker (actual size 3.5″ x 2 “) is placed on the unit indicating the date of the certification. An email report is sent to the Facilities Service Center to start work orders on failing LEV equipment. An email report detailing equipment problems, filter change requirements, and maintenance repair not performed by Facilities & Operations is sent to the equipment owner.

LEV Certification

LEV must have the air flow checked and be certified:

      • Once a year by EHS

      • After maintenance work is performed (new motor, repairs, modifications, relocation, a new exhaust hood being installed, etc.)

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