Zoonoses are infectious diseases transmitted from animals to man through bites or scratches from infected animals and through handling the animals. Most animals used in research do not pose a risk to people handling them because whenever possible, disease-free animals are used as research subjects.
Species-specific zoonotic diseases:
- Birds
- Cattle, Pigs, Sheep
- Chickens
- Dogs & Cats
- Non-Human Primates
- Rabbits
- Reptiles, Fish, and Amphibians
- Rodents
- Wild Caught Mammals
Prevention: Use proper handling techniques and personal hygiene practices.
- Wash hands with soap and water after handling animals or their secretions and excretions
- Replace gloves that have been compromised
- Remove PPE when done with procedure taking care to not contaminate yourself, others, or surfaces
- Dispose PPE immediately after use and in the correct receptacle