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Invasive Species

Invasive Species

Invasive species, or non-native plants, often lack the population controls from natural predators, competitors, and diseases that are found in their natural environment, which gives them an opportunity to outcompete native plants.  In addition, excessive plant growth, algae, and invasive aquatic plants can sometimes be a nuisance to ponds, lakes, streams, wetland areas, and storm water detention and retention facilities.  The negative effects that these invasive species present to the local environment include:

  • Reduced biodiversity
  • Altered hydrologic and/or soil conditions
  • Altered fire intensity and frequency
  • Natural succession interference
  • Pollinator competition
  • Poisoned/repelled native insects
  • Displacement of rare plant species
  • Increased predation on nesting birds
  • Increase in plant pathogens introduced into the area
  • Replacement of complex communities with single species monoculture
  • Native species’ genetic composition dilution due to hybridization
  • Local industries and agriculture threatened
  • Human health endangered

Some of the common invasive plant species found in Michigan that require control include:

Garlic MustardEurasian Watermilfoil Eurasian Watermilfoil
Common Buckthorn Purple Loosestrife
Glossy Buckthorn Narrow Leaf Cattail

Invasive Phragmites

The North Campus Woods Conservation (NCWC) Program is dedicated to preserving the existing biodiversity and restoring the damaged ecosystems located near and on North Campus. This unique ecosystem gives the U-M community an opportunity to enjoy a natural area in a largely urban environment.

The invasive species found in the North Campus woods have a negative impact on this natural and beautiful landscape.  These invasive plants, above all else, decrease the area’s biodiversity and alter the hydrologic and soil conditions.  It is for these reasons that the NCWC program was developed–to enable the native species to regain their former territory.  The native species in the region grow easily without fertilizers or pesticides if given the space.  They have more massive root systems, which enable them to access water in times of drought, and this root system also helps to reduce soil compaction, helping nutrients and humus get into the soil.  Their root systems can help retain water and filter out pollutants while stabilizing the soil and preventing erosion.

Community Participation

To preserve the North Campus Woods, EHS and Grounds work with volunteers to remove invasive plants such as honeysuckle and buckthorn. Volunteers are asked to come out at least once per semester to remove invasive plants. We encourage student groups, fraternities, and sororities to consider a group outing which you can organize with Tony Shourds, at, the EHS lead for this valuable program.

Supplemental Information

The following links relate to the North Campus Woods Conservation program, invasive plant species, and native landscaping: