Geothermal and Groundwater Monitoring Wells

Geothermal and Groundwater Monitoring Wells
Call EHS at (734) 647-1143

U-M EHS is involved in the installation and decommissioning of groundwater monitoring wells.  If a groundwater well is encountered that is damaged, an unknown well is found during construction, or a well requires decommissioning, contact for further evaluation.  EHS maintains a list of known wells on campus and can assist with providing the requirements for properly decommissioning wells according to Washtenaw County regulations.  Copies of well construction and well decommissioning logs should also be provided to the EHS department prior to submission to Washtenaw County.

For new geothermal well projects, there is a permitting process with Washtenaw County that U-M EHS will need to be involved in prior to the installation of any wells.  The EHS EP3 department needs to review any permit application prior to submission.  When drilling in an area of contaminated soil, the drilling slurry will need to be managed as contaminated material as well, including offsite disposal.

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